The Board 2025

Samuel Valjus
Martin Påwals
Head of Projects
Axel Bondestam

Greta Mäkelä
Head of Corporate Relations
Mikkel Nevala
Head of Communications
Valentin Vainio
Head of Finance

Dennis Söderling
Head of Cultural Affairs
Wilma Alho
Head of Social Politics
Minea Salminen
Head of Educational Advocacy
Markus Huurinainen
Head of Facility Operations
Posts outside the board 2025

Werner Olander & Miska Laine
Chairpersons of the Annual Ball commitee
Walter Londén
Otto Salo
Counselor of Merkantila Klubben

Boards through the time
2010 - 2024
working group
glöggrundan 2.0
Martin Påwals - Chairperson
Katharina Sabel
Maria Smeds
Emil Markelin
Linda Lindfors
Elina Pyhtilä
Alexander Von Shoultz
Malin Karell
Freja Donner
Julia Nybom
Rasmus Piippo
Daniela Hudd
Julia Stenhammar
Oskar Savolainen
Antonia Velasquez
Maija Boren
Markus Huurinainen - Chairperson
Axel Enkvist
Julia Rihko
Alma Tier
Matilda Tidström
Katja Suurnäkki
Eddie Bäckström
Robin Seppälä
Ulrika Laurén
Max Kaituri
Lotta Lindberg
Emma Ollikainen
Bea Santalahti
Celinda Mérus
Ida Jansén
Fanny Meltovaara
Victor Grönlund
Walter Londén - Chairperson
Jenina Wargh
Mikkel Nevala
Victor Grönlund
Emilia Wikström
Wilhelm Juvonen
Samuel Skrifvars
Frida Jäntti
Alexandra Joukanen
Freja Donner
Anna Parkatti
Ulrika Laurén
Lina Hermansson
Julia Stenhammar
Elsa Kokkonen
Linnea Svahn
Julia Karlsson
Wilhelm Wiklund
Adina Hernberg
Tony Rantanen
Ida Granholm
Aino Hesselgren
Adina Renlund
Emmi Kemppi
Stella Wallin
Minea Salminen
committee of The annual ball
Werner Olander - Chairperson
Miska Laine - Chairperson
Martina Aspelin
Daniela Sonntag
Frida Jäntti
Emilia Mänty
Niklas Laakso
Sofia Blumberg
Daniela Hudd
Alexandra Joukanen
Committee of corporate relations
Greta Mäkelä - Chairperson
Patrik Saira
Luka Seljavaara
Rebecka Malmberg
Christine Westerlund
Marta Belousova
committee of educational advocacy
Minea Salminen - Chairperson
Sini Piippo
Mikael Lehtinen
committee of finance
Valentin Vainio - Chairperson
Benjamin Fellman
Lina Hermansson
Samuel Skrivfars
Emil Lindström
Marcus Kopra
Committee of communications
Mikkel Nevala - Chairperson
Emilia Degerth
Malin Karell
Lucia Stenger
Committee of cultural affairs
Dennis Söderling - Chairperson
Linus Nygård
Alexander Arolinna
Elsa Kokkonen
Ona Landgren
Viktoria Björn
committee of social politics
Wilma Alho - Chairperson
Kasper Pylkkänen
Ella Nihtilä
Helga Ruonamo
Tony Bergman
Tony Rantanen
Lotta Nurminen
Committee of projects
Martin Påwals - Chairperson
Emil Markelin
Linda Lindfors
Maria Smeds
Katharina Sabel
Elina Pyhtilä
ALUMNI Committee
Axel Bondestam - Chairperson
Sofie Hasselblatt
Carolina Ahlbom
Ida Granholm
Riia Sipilä
William Jungarå
Rurik Back
Document of strategy 2020–2024
Merkantila klubben rf
This strategy seeks to create continuity in the association's operations and act as a long-term plan. It can and should also serve as support for the Board and committees in both planning, decision-making and execution. The strategy should be considered advisory, not binding.
The purpose of the strategy
Construction of the strategy
The preparation of this strategy has been based on a survey of the association's members conducted in the spring of 2019, where the answers have laid the foundation for the content and design of the strategy. The time horizon for the strategy is 2020-2024, after which a new strategy should be prepared and adopted. The basis of the strategy consists of three key words and definitions of these, but as part of the strategy work, the association's steering documents have also been updated to correspond to the new strategy.
Strategical keywords
The association Merkantila Klubben should work to make all members feel included in the business regardless of background and personal factors such as mother tongue and stage of study. During this strategy period, the Association shall attach particular importance to including the Association's graduated members and less active members, and to build and maintain a sense of belonging among them. In addition to internal affiliation, networking with external associations and organizations should be encouraged.
The association Merkantila Klubben shall promote the right of expression of all members, the right to influence, the right to participate and the right to access information relating to the association. The association shall promote two-way communication between the members and its board and strive for a flat and broad organizational structure, where as many members as possible are encouraged to become active. The association exists for its members and will serve the interests of the members over the self-interest of the board and officials.
The association Merkantila Klubben should actively prepare its members for working life and strive to increase the attractiveness of graduated members in the labor market. The association will realize this by promoting networking between the student and alumni in the working world and act as a link between the members and the business community already during the study period. The association will also, for example, through active interest surveillance and a professional outward action, strengthen the brand of the School of Business at the University of Åbo Akademi among business representatives and the rest of society.
code of conduct
The code of conduct exists to guarantee a safe and equal environment for all Merkantila Klubben rf members. Every member has the right to a safe environment within the association's activities.
The code of conduct should be applied by all members within Merkantila Klubben rf and the purpose of this code is that each individual should feel safe and comfortable together with the association's members.
The Code of Conduct complements Åbo Akademi University's Code of Conduct (Åbo Akademi University Code of Conduct for a Safe Study and Work Environment) which you can find HERE.
Merkantila Klubben rf has zero-tolerance for all kinds of harassment and inappropriate behavior. These are subjective experiences and actions that depend on context and personal experiences. We take all accusations very seriously and encourage victims to seek help and support. If you notice that someone is being abused - take action! Just being quiet is not ok!
At Merkantila Klubben rf, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our members first and foremost and therefore want to ensure that the environment is pleasant for everyone. If you experience inappropriate behavior within our association during events or otherwise among the association's members:
1. Tell that the behavior is unpleasant and wants it to stop.
2. If the behavior continues, contact the person in charge, or a board member, tutor, or counselor depending on the event.
3. The incident will be investigated and dealt with within the Disciplinary Committee, where appropriate action and sanctions will be decided for those involved in order to prevent similar situations.
More information is available on Åbo Akademi University's website
If you have questions regarding this, you can contact the Chairperson of the Board, Samuel Valjus
or any other board member. Board contact information can be found HERE.
Samuel Valjus

Merkantila Klubben rf strives for environmental friendliness in its operations and encourages all members to do the same.
The purpose of the environmental plan is to function as a guideline and a tool for the association's activities. The environment plan establishes principles that the association must work in accordance with in order to promote sustainable development and at the same time a reduced environmental effort. The activities within Merkantila Klubben rf are implemented with the points in the environmental plan, and with the help of it want to be able to influence the environment around them.
Merkantila Klubben rf's operations strive to function sustainably by taking the environment and the environment into account in the decisions made. Thus, the most environmentally friendly alternatives are sought when the business is planned and developed.
Merkantila Klubben rf ensures that the spaces used by the association have good conditions for arranging sustainable and environmentally friendly events. There should be clear environmental instructions within the association's premises and the board should annually review the instructions for any improvements. The environmental plan is one of the aspects that direct the board in its decision-making and always strives to choose an environmentally friendly alternative. The board should critically examine procurements and the environmental effects they have. In all events, there should be a plan for how this is established, for example in the form of detailed instructions on waste sorting. In addition, the association should avoid making unnecessary acquisitions, preferring the acquisition of used products, and promoting reuse.
1928 The Student Association, Merkantila Klubben at Åbo Akademi University was founded.
In 1929 the first excursion was organized. MK went to Stockholm in a “dark and difficult storm".
1932/33 The first appearance of the associations satir magazine “Sillstryparen”.
1939 At the beginning of this year, it was decided that MK should hold a seat on Merkur´s board.
1939-1944 The years of the war did shredder dark shadows on the activities at the School of Business and Economics and MK. Part of the teaching was canceled due to a large number of students being called to join the army. Of the 280 male students enrolled at the school, 26 died during the war in the years 1927-1943.
1948 MK participated in the Nordic Business Colleges Congress (NHS) and the Nordic Presidents Congresses.
In the 1950s MK initiated student counseling for first-year students.
1963 The School of Economics moves into new premises.
1965 November 4th MK's own club was inaugurated in the presence of the principal, donors and everyone who was involved in leading the project.
1969 STYL-FESF (Finnish Economy Student Association) was founded and MK joined the organization.
1970 Turun Kauppakorkeakoulu and MK organized the NHS week in Turku with "Eastern trade" as the theme. The NHS later changed its name to NESU (The Nordic Economics Student Union).
1978 MK celebrated its 50th annual ball on November 18 at the Turku Castle. Ulla Achrén, served as the annual ball marshal and the annual ball speech was held by Gen.dir. Mauno Koivisto.
1980 The School of Business and Economics at Åbo Akademi University (HHÅA) became the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at the Åbo Akademi University (ESF).
1988 KällarGardsBanditer (KGB) was founded to work at the association´s club room.
1991 Merkantila Klubben's sports association Henrik Street Athletics (HSA) is founded.
1994 The charity event “Salutorgsloppet” is organized for the first time.
2004 MK gets a new songbook.
2006 A thorough renovation of the club room is done.
2011 Merkantila Klubben's own recruitment fair CareerStartExpo is organized for the first time. The association makes organizational changes and MK's own corporation for prep courses, MK-Tutoring, is founded.
2012 Merkantila Klubben's own sailing club, MK Yacht Club is founded.
2013 Merkantila Klubben brings back the event Glöggrundan with a new concept.
2015 The club room turned 50-years-old and was visited by friend associations, alumni´s and active members of the association.
2017 The School of business and Economics moves from the Hanken Building to the ASA house and temporarily loses its office and club. The student association operation is able to continue thanks to good cooperation with the friend associations at ÅA. In the fall, the club room re-opens and the event calendar starts to be filled again. In addition, the association's first garment, the MK sweaters, is launched.
2018 Merkantila Klubben celebrates its 90th anniversary at FBK with almost 400 participants. In addition, a fine party was for the first time organized at the beginning of the year to enable cohabitation in finer attire among the members.
2019 The association's first long-term strategy is prepared and Merkantila Klubben will have a 5-year strategy with the keywords of solidarity, transparency and forward-looking. The control documents and organizational structure are updated. The event Glöggrundan is growing and this year the event brought almost 5000 participants to Turku. Disco Carina on the first floor of the Hanken building returns as the annual ball´s afterparty.
2020 The COVID-19 virus inhibits most of the year's typical activities. Merkantila Klubben's new website is launched in the spring. In addition, the association's new song books are published.
2023 Glöggrundan 2.0 celebrates its 10th anniversary and attracts a record number of students to Turku
the history in short

The founding of the association
When the School of Business and Economics at Åbo Akademi University opened its doors in the autumn of 1927, 34 hopeful students were enrolled in the first year. The following year, discussions began on their own student association. The preparing meeting for the formation of the association was held on September 15, 1928. The convener of the meeting must have been cc. Erik Byström and Rune Lilja, who served as chairman and secretary. A committee was set up with the task of presenting a statutory meeting two weeks later to propose statutes and names for the club. Besides Byström and Lilja were in this committee cc. Sven-Erik Björkroth, Knut Mannström, and Torsten Engström. At the statutory meeting October 27 presided Ralf Törngren, who at that time was a teacher in economics at the School of Business and Economics at Åbo Akademi University. The first proposal for an annual ball date was Anders Chydenius's birthday on February 26, but this date was not supported by the meeting. Not because the students would have had anything against the great economist and priest, but the day was unsuitable because of other reasons: the Student Union's annual ball was held February 18, the Vasa Nation's annual ball was on February 26, and the Swedish business and economics students in Helsinki had already selected Chydenius to their "patron saint".
Nils Filén then suggested one of the School of Business and Economics's donors' birthday. The following meeting appointed the donor August Wahlström's birthday on November 26 as Merkantila Klubben's annual ball date.
But the child also needed a name. At the meeting on October 27, there was only one name proposal presented by c. Björkroth: Merkantila Klubben at the Åbo Akademi Student Union r.f.
The name proposal was immediately accepted and today the official name is Merkantila Klubben rf at Åbo Akademi University.
Merkantila Klubben's
Ralf Törngren, Nils-Holger Ahlblom, Sivert Andersson, Tancred Berg, Sven-Erik Björkroth, Ingegerd Björkvall, Carl Axel Blom, Karin Bruun, Erik Byström, Stig Calamnius, Birger Carlstedt, Great Calén, Karin Engdahl, Torsten Engström, Nils Filén, Willy Gielen, Gösta Hamström, Paavo Heimo, Rune Lilja, Tore Lundström, Uno Lännqvist, Birgit Malmborg, Knut Malmström, Bengt Mecklin, Ulla Molin, Eitel Nyman, Rafael Rautalin, Waldemar Rönning, Lahja Saariaho, Astrid Sandholm, Carl-August Schauman, Astrid Sonck, Helge Staffans, Lars Ström, Ola Wallin, Aarne Vesterlund
August Wahlström
August Wahlström's large testamentary donation in 1923 enabled the founding of the School of Business and Economics at the Åbo Akademi University in 1927. The donor's birthday, on November 26th is the Merkantila Klubben's day of celebration.
Merkantila Klubben annually organizes several smaller excursions and a larger one abroad, where different corporations are visited. In recent years, MK's members have visited:
2002 Milano
2003 Edinburgh
2004 Budapest
2005 New York
2006 S:t Petersburg
2007 Amsterdam
2010 Wien
2011 Dublin
2012 Budapest
2013 Amsterdam
2014 Prag
2015 Dublin
2016 Bryssel
2017 London
2018 Budapest & Wien
2019 Barcelona
2020 No excursion
2021 No excursion
2022 Lisbon
2023 Valencia
2024 Malta
1) Maintainer of the register
Merkantila Klubben rf
Tuomiokirkkotori 1, 20500 Turku
2) Personal data manager
The Association's Vice-Chairperson: Axel Bondestam
+358 40 4162067
3) The names of the registers
The personal data processed by the association can be found in the following registers:
Suomen Ekonomit Member Register
Register of individuals who have worked with positions of trust at Merkantila Klubben rf
Register of individuals who have received awards of honor at Merkantila Klubben rf
Register of individuals who participated in the association's events
Merkantila Klubben rf:s mailing lists
4) The intention for the processing of personal data
The association uses the membership register together with the Suomen Ekonomit through separately agreed technical approaches. The information is used to secure membership and, if necessary, to communicate with members.
The association uses personal data in the other registers (mentioned in paragraph 3), only for communication, documentation of the association's activities and to promote the association's own or its partners' activities.
5) Information content of the register
Through the member list of the Suomen Ekonomit, the association processes the following information: name, address, date of birth, membership number, telephone number, e-mail address and the time of registration. The association does not save the information only processes it. The information is processed by the association's chairperson or vice-chairperson.
Through the other registers (mentioned in paragraph 3), the association processes the following information: name, telephone number, and e-mail address. The information is processed by the association's board members.
6) Regular sources of information
All personal data in the register has been transferred by the person concerned. A member of the Merkantila Klubben rf will be added to the Suomen Ekonomit's membership register when Suomen Ekonomit receives their contact details and the Merkantila Klubben rf:s membership fee. Persons who have worked in positions of trust, or who have received honors, are connected to the registers with the person's consent.
When a member of the Merkantila Klubben rf joins the Suomen Ekonomit, the e-mail address provided by the person in connection with the connection to Merkantila Klubben rf's mailing lists is added.
A member of the Merkantila Klubben rf is added to the register of individuals who participated in the association's event when the member in question signs up for an event.
7) Regular transfer of information
Information is never transferred to another party. Information may be published to the extent agreed with the person concerned.
8) The principles of the security of registers
The processing of the register is handled with care and information processed using information systems is properly protected. When information is stored on Internet servers, the association takes care that the devices are properly protected physically and digitally.
The maintainer of the registry takes care of the fact that saved information, as well as the server's usage rights and other critical information regarding the data protection of personal data, is treated confidentially and only by the persons who are entitled to it.
9) Right of review and right to demand the correction of information
Every individual whose personal data is included in the register has the right to review the information contained in the register of the person in question. The person also has the right to demand the correction of incorrect information or to supplement insufficient information.
If a person wishes to review the data stored thereon, or requires correction of data, this must be notified in writing to the maintainer of the register. The maintainer can if necessary, ask the person to prove their identity. The maintainer contacts the person within the time set in the EU Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), that is to say, usually within one month.
10) Other rights for the processing of personal data
A person whose personal data is stored in the register has the right to demand that the information about it be deleted from the register. The person also has the other rights mentioned in the EU Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including the limitation of the processing of personal data in certain circumstances.
The rights described above must always be requested in writing by the maintainer of the register. The maintainer can if necessary, ask the person to prove their identity. The maintainer contacts the person within the time set in the EU Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), that is to say, usually within one month.
The person responsible for the register cannot delete information from Suomen Ekonomit's member register. If the person wants his or her personal data to be deleted from the Suomen Ekonomit's member register, he/she must contact the Suomen Ekonomit regarding the matter.
Domkyrkotorget 1, 20500 Åbo
Asa office is open Mon-Thu 11:30 - 12:15
Fänriksgatan 3, 20500 Åbo
Asa Corridor B 3rd floor